It's been a few weeks since I've written anything on my blog... I have been pretty occupied with school and getting back on my fitness goals... I graduate from college in 3mths... I'm so excited!!! This has been a very long journey for me and I'm not finished yet..I will be going back to school in August.... I also have new fitness goals I want to achieve by my birthday which is in September and it will take a lot of focus, strict eating and high intensity workouts and strength training.. I have been doing lent and I chose to only consume liquids from 6a-6p which ends on Easter Sunday... I have created a great meal plan and workout regimen for myself... I have been up and down on the scale due to my doing a lot of detoxes that are affecting my metabolism and I need to get it back on track... My goal weight 165... But building muscle I'm sure will have me to weigh more... I'm so ready and excited for this new journey in my life... Xoxoxo
A health, fitness and weight loss journey as a thick vegan blog
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