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The Perfect Diet Plan

Is there a such thing as a perfect diet plan? All I know is, the less calories you take in if you are wanting to lose weight. The more you have to take in if you are building muscle.. But the "perfect" meal plan NO!.. Every meal plan does not work for everybody.. You must go by a low calorie meal plan that works for you. Stay away from sugar, processed foods, fried foods and high calorie foods and drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Back to the basics.

I have been on a continuous struggle with losing this last 25 pounds for over a year now. Listening to and doing all of these different diet plans, switching things up because this person said that you should do this and another person says that you shouldn't do that. Different trainers do different things, and depending on how close of a relationship you have with your personal trainer if you have one, you will not exceed those goals until you take the initiative and push yourself to the limits for yourself. So I said, "Angela, You have lost over 85 pounds on your own and you can most definitely do it again on your own". I know what worked for me and all of this constant changes to my diet has only screwed up my body. So for me it's back to the basics.

Food diary, green smoothies, protein shakes or oatmeal for breakfast, cutting back on the carbs, no sugar and back to my cross-fit training five days a week along with weight training. Most important meal prepping... This will help you to become more successful with your weight loss and healthy lifestyle change... 

#downsizeit #thickfit #fitforlife #wefalldownbutwegetup #healthylifestylechanges #dowhatworksforyou


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