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It's Going Down!!!!!!!!!

I had my first PT session today. and I weighed in @ 176 lbs... YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Down 6lbs since starting my 21 day fast 5 more pounds to go ... And I have 15 more days left on my smoothie fast.... Weigh-In 11/9/13  - 182lbs - 176lbs           

Flirty Girls 10 Reasons To Work Out in The Mornings

10 Reasons to Workout in the Morning     It can be challenging to make the time to exercise. But exercising in the morning is a wonderful way to create a positive routine and provides many added benefits beyond just keeping you fit.   1. Burn FAT instead of calories Get up, get a glass of water, and workout. No breakfast, no small bite beforehand. Do not take in a single calorie until you do cardio first. The reasoning behind this is when you exercise without eating, your body needs to tap into something for energy. Your body's first source of energy is glycogen but since this was depleted overnight your body must burn unwanted FAT to get you through your workout.   2. Better long-term results Over 90% of people who exercise *consistently*, exercise in the morning. Our bodies love routine. If you force yourself to get up when your alarm goes off, your body will thank you and pay you back.   Extra perk: People who exercise regularly earn 9% more income than people who don't.   3